
“My dream is to live in a simple way my ancestors would recognize. I steward a small spot of land, grow, and cook some of my own food, try to keep in right relationship with The Others, and call them by their true names. I practice seasonal observances, lunar and solar passages, and help turtles cross the road. My voice is a gift from those who made great sacrifices to bring me here, and I lift it in gratitude, praise, and grief for those who have voices to which few care to listen.”
About Our Founder
Drawn to music at a young age, Jenn cannot recall a time she was not singing. There has always been music—recorded, created, or interpreted from her surroundings. She grew up in a home where classical albums cozied up alongside Barbara Streisand and The Beatles, along with jazz and folk music. There were church choirs, and school choirs, and musicals and judged competitions, as well as a fair amount of lessons and vocal coaching. At one point, she felt certain she would find herself onstage at the Metropolitan Opera.
Just as long as there has been music in Jenn’s life, there have also been plants. She remembers clearly very early plant allies—the low junipers in front of her first childhood home, the lilac hedge in the backyard of the second, gathering plums from the tall limbs of a neighbor’s tree and keeping some of the spoils, as well as the native plants of the Colorado high plains: prickly pear cactus, yucca, Indian paintbrush, sagebrush, prairie rocket, an prairie flax. The song of the western meadowlark against the deep blue of the Rocky Mountains is still an iconic sense memory.
These days, she can be found tending a pollinator friendly medicinal and culinary herb garden or resting in an abundant shade oasis. Living in right relationship with the natural world calls her to regularly visit rivers, fields, and woods in proximity, where she may find spaces for deep listening, communing, or sounding healing or praise songs to brothers and sisters there.
“It is necessary now for humans to remember and regain balance with the animate world. Too long we have lived in The Great Forgetting, thought ourselves above the natural world. We have forgotten our belonging here, our reciprocal relationship. I work to recover this balance using a variety of energetic practices and what I feel is a spiritual gift, sound.”
Jenn Hansen was first called to the energy work surrounding death and dying in 2004, at the deathbed of her would-be father-in-law. Intervening years have served to heighten an awareness to the need for openness and compassion, culminating with her own breast cancer diagnosis in 2013. A polymath, Jenn has spent many years as a vocalist and ceremonialist, and a decade adapting both to sound healing work. She currently lives in North Carolina.