Ceremonial Sounding
Sound as offering. Sound as prayer. Sound setting the space for meditation, vigil, or sacred retreat. Sound as a means of deep healing and connection, bringing together and harmonizing the energies in a room, a ritual, a rite of passage. This is the power of sound.
Jenn’s intuitive singing and sound channeling has been honed over more than a decade. Opening and setting private ritual spaces, as well as creating spaces for shamanic journeywork, as well as creating offerings for public gatherings and weekend events, creating sacred spaces and safe containers where participants can open and be vulnerable.

Read a selected list of engagements below:
- Hasaeti (Oracular ritual); Various locations in NC; 2007-Present (Founding member, opening call, ceremonial drumming, lokkur, sending songs)
- Soul Speak; The Joyful Jewel (2016-2017) & The Joy of Movement Studio (2017-2018), both in Pittsboro, NC (Opening call, ceremonial drumming)
- Death Faire (Abundance NC); The Plant, Pittsboro, NC; 05 November 2016 (Community keening)
- Bereavement Ball – Dead Pets & Onions (Abundance NC); The Bend, Moncure, NC; 08 July 2017 (Community keening)
- Learning Elderhood w/ Stephen Jenkinson; Sparkroot Farm, Moncure, NC; 03-04 November 2017 (Ceremonial opening, call to ancestral elders)
- Mythtelling w/ Martin Shaw; Sparkroot Farm, Moncure, NC; 18-20 May 2018 (Ceremonial opening, summoning the muse)
- Myth as Medicine w/ Martin Shaw; The Eco Institute at Pickard’s Mountain, Chapel Hill, NC; 13 April 2019 (Ceremonial opening, offering to the land)
- The Children’s Fire: Remembering Ancient Wisdom, Restoring a Culture of Connection w/ Mac Macartney; Sparkroot Farm, Moncure, NC; 25 October 2019 (Ceremonial opening)
“When music enters a ceremonial space, everything changes—hearts connect, tears flow, something of the timeless cycle of life and love is remembered. Those who would ordinarily feel shy to sing in public sometimes find themselves letting go and opening their voices, when they know it is a gift for a loved one.”
Susie Ro
Ceremonial soundings can be as simple as an opening prayer or invocation for a special event or gathering, new house or garden blessing, ceremonies for newborns or beloved animals in transition. Ceremonial sounding is available by consultation only. Please contact Jenn with interest and details of your event.